
This is the user tutorial for Subzero.jl. It will walk you through the typical workflow of buidling a discrete-element model (DEM) with Subzero.jl as well as running and plotting your simulatuion.

Tutorial - copy-pasteable version

Core ideas behind Subzero.jl simulations

The very first step of running a Subzero simulation is to bring the package into scope.

using Subzero  # bring Subzero into scope
using CairoMakie, GeoInterfaceMakie # bring plotting packages into scope
import GeoInterface as GI

Creating a Grid

Each Subzero model requires a grid object. The grid object defines the grid for the ocean and atmosphere. Ocean and atmosphere vectors (like u and v velocities) and tracers (like temperature) are recorded on these grid points and grid lines. The grid points are then used for interpolation for coupling between the ice, ocean, and atmosphere.

All Subzero grid objects are concrete types of the abstract type AbstractRectilinearGrid. Right now, all grid objects must be Rectilinear. Currently the only implemented concrete type is a RegRectilinearGrid. If you are interested in implementing another type of grid, see the developer documentation.

Here, we will go ahead and create an instance of RegRectilinearGrid. We need to specify the grid endpoints and either the number of grid cells in both directions, or the size of the grid cells. Here we will specity the number of grid cells in the x-direction, Nx, and in the y-direction, Ny.

grid = RegRectilinearGrid(; x0 = -1e5, xf = 1e5, y0 = 0.0, yf = 1e5, Nx = 20, Ny = 10)
  ⊢x extent (-100000.0 to 100000.0) with 20 grid cells of size 10000.0 m
  ∟y extent (0.0 to 100000.0) with 10 grid cells of size 10000.0 m

We plot a dashed box around the grid so that we can see the that the grid matches the extent given. We also place tick-marks at the desired grid cell lengths. Finally, set the plot's aspect ration to 2 as the x-extent is two-times larger than the y-extent.

fig = Figure();
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1];  # set up axis tick marks to match grid cells
    title = "Grid Setup",
    xticks = range(grid.x0, grid.xf, 5), xminorticks = IntervalsBetween(5),
    xminorticksvisible = true, xminorgridvisible = true, xticklabelrotation = pi/4,
    yticks = range(grid.y0, grid.yf, 3), yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(5),
    yminorticksvisible = true, yminorgridvisible = true,
lines!(  # plot boundary of grid with a dashed line
    [grid.x0, grid.x0, grid.xf, grid.xf, grid.x0],  # point x-values
    [grid.y0, grid.yf, grid.yf, grid.y0, grid.y0];  # point y-values
    linestyle = :dash, linewidth = 3.0)
MakieCore.Lines{Tuple{Vector{GeometryBasics.Point{2, Float64}}}}

Resize grid to layout

colsize!(fig.layout, 1, Aspect(1, 2))
fig  # display the figure
Example block output

Creating Boundaries

Next, each Subzero.jl model needs a Domain. A Domain defines the region of the grid that the ice floes are allowed in, what happens to them when they reach the boundaries of that region, and if there is any topography in the model, along with the ice, in that region.

Similarly to the grid above, the Domain will be rectilinear, defined by four boundaries, one for each of the cardinal direction. You will be able to pass each of the cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West), defined as types by Subzero, to the boundary constructors. Each boundary can have different behavior, allowing the user to create a wide variety of domain behavior. Right now, four types of AbstractBoundaries are implemented: OpenBoundary, PeriodicBoundary, CollisionBoundary, and MovingBoundary.

In this example, we will use two CollisionBoundary walls and two PeriodicBoundary walls to create a channel that the ice can infinitly flow through, from the east back to the west. In the north and the south, the ice will collide with the boundaries, as if there was shoreline preventing it from leaving the channel.

We will use the grid we made above to define the boundaries so that they exactly border the grid.

north_bound = CollisionBoundary(North; grid)
south_bound = CollisionBoundary(South; grid)
east_bound = PeriodicBoundary(East; grid)
west_bound = PeriodicBoundary(West; grid)
PeriodicBoundary{West, Float64}
  ⊢polygon points are defined by the following set: (-100000.0, 150000.0), (-100000.0, -50000.0), (-200000.0, 150000.0), (-200000.0, -50000.0)
  ∟val is -100000.0

If we plot the polygons that are created within each boundary object, we can see that they border the grid. These polygons are how we well when the ice floes are interacting with each of the boundaries. We can also see that the boundaries overlap in the corners to ensure there is a solid border around the grid. The PeriodicBoundary elements are in purple while the CollisionBoundary elements are in teal.

poly!(   # plot each of the boundaries with a 50% transparent color so we can see the overlap
    [north_bound.poly, south_bound.poly, east_bound.poly, west_bound.poly];
    color = [(:purple, 0.5), (:purple, 0.5), (:teal, 0.5), (:teal, 0.5)],
ax1.title = "Grid and Boundary Setup"
fig  # display the figure
Example block output

Creating Topography

We then have the option to add in a TopographyField, which is a collection of TopographyElements. If we want to add in topography field, we can create one using the initialize_topography_field function. Here we will create two islands in the channel. For simplcity, both will be triangles. I create the polygons that define the shape of each island using GeoInterface and defining the points with tuples:

island1 = GI.Polygon([[(-6e4, 7.5e4), (-4e4, 5e4), (-2.5e4, 7e4), (-6e4, 7.5e4)]])
island2 = GI.Polygon([[(5e4, 2.5e4), (5e4, 5.5e4), (7.5e4, 3e4), (5e4, 2.5e4)]])
topo_list = [island1, island2]
2-element Vector{GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false, Vector{GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}}, Nothing, Nothing}}:
 GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false, Vector{GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}}, Nothing, Nothing}(GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}[GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}([(-60000.0, 75000.0), (-40000.0, 50000.0), (-25000.0, 70000.0), (-60000.0, 75000.0)], nothing, nothing)], nothing, nothing)
 GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false, Vector{GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}}, Nothing, Nothing}(GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}[GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}([(50000.0, 25000.0), (50000.0, 55000.0), (75000.0, 30000.0), (50000.0, 25000.0)], nothing, nothing)], nothing, nothing)

We can then pass these to initialize_topography_field with the polys keyword. We could also have defined them just by their coordinates and passed in the coordiantes by the coords keyword.

topo_field = initialize_topography_field(; polys = topo_list)
2-element TopographyField{Float64} list:
  ⊢centroid is (-41666.666666666664, 65000.0) in meters
  ∟maximum radius is 20883.27347690278 meters
  ⊢centroid is (58333.333333333336, 36666.666666666664) in meters
  ∟maximum radius is 20138.409955990955 meters

We can now plot the topography within the domain.

topo_color = RGBf(115/255, 93/255, 55/255)  # brown color for topography
poly!(topo_field.poly; color = topo_color) # plot the topography
ax1.title = "Grid and Domain Setup"
fig  # display the figure
Example block output

Creating a Domian

We now have all of the pieces needed to create a Domain. We will combine the four (4) boundaries we created, and the topography, into one Domain object. The collection of boundaries and topography define where the floes can and cannot go in the simulation and add in boundary behavior.We can do that as follows:

domain = Domain(; north = north_bound, south = south_bound, east = east_bound, west = west_bound, topography = topo_field)
  ⊢Northern boundary of type CollisionBoundary{North, Float64}
  ⊢Southern boundary of type CollisionBoundary{South, Float64}
  ⊢Eastern boundary of type PeriodicBoundary{East, Float64}
  ⊢Western boundary of type PeriodicBoundary{West, Float64}
  ∟2-element TopograpahyElement{Float64} list

We could have skipped adding the topography to the domain. That is an optional keyword and an empty topography field will be automatically created if the user does not provide one.

At this point, we have already plotted all of the Domain objects, so we will move in to adding environmental forcing from the ocean and the atmosphere.

Creating an Ocean

We can provide a ocean velocity and temperature fields to drive the floes within the simulatation. By default, this is a static vector field and does not change throughout the simulation. However, if you are interested in updating the code to make it easier to update the ocean/atmosphere fields throughout the simulation please see issue #111.

You can either provide a single constant value for each of the fields (and then also provide the grid as input) or provide a user-defined field. If providing a user-defined field, the field should be of size (grid.Nx + 1, grid.Ny + 1). The rows represent velocities at the x-values of the grid (from x0 to xf), while the columns represent velocities at the the y-values of the grid (from y0 to yf). This makes it easy to index into the grid for values at point (x, y). If x is the ith x-value between x0 to xf and y is the jthe jth y-value between y0 to yf then you simply retrive the field values at index [i, j]. This does mean that the fields provided don't "look" like the grid when output directly in the terminal and would need to be transposed instead.

Here we will then define a u-velocity field that will impose a shear flow on the floes so that ocean is flowing faster in the middle of the y-values (at 0.25 m/s) and then symetrically slowing to 0m/s at the edges where the CollisionBoundary elements are. We will then provide a constant temperature of -1 C and a constant v-velocity of 0m/s.

function shear_flow(Nx, Ny, min_u, max_u)
    increasing = true
    curr_u = min_u
    Δu = fld(Nx, 2)  # divide Nx by 2 and round down
    u_vals = zeros(Nx, Ny)
    for (i, col) in enumerate(eachcol(u_vals))
        (i == 1 || i == Ny) && continue  # edges already set to 0m/s
        col .= curr_u
        if increasing && curr_u == max_u  # reach max value and start decreasing velocity
            increasing = false
        if increasing  # update velocity for next column
            curr_u += Δu
            curr_u -= Δu
    return curr_u

u_vals = shear_flow(grid.Nx + 1, grid.Ny + 1, 0.0, 0.25)
ocean = Ocean(; u = u_vals, v = 0.0, temp = -1.0, grid)
  ⊢Vector fields of dimension (21, 11)
  ⊢Tracer fields of dimension (21, 11)
  ⊢Average u-velocity of: 90.0 m/s
  ⊢Average v-velocity of: 0.0 m/s
  ∟Average temperature of: -1.0 C

We can now plot our ocean velocity values on an axis below our grid and domain setup.

ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 1]; title = "Ocean U-Velocities [m/s]", xticklabelrotation = pi/4)
xs = grid.x0:grid.Δx:grid.xf
ys = grid.y0:grid.Δy:grid.yf
u_hm = heatmap!(ax2, xs, ys, ocean.u)
Colorbar(fig[2, end+1], u_hm)
Example block output

The heatmap already transposes the matrix input, assuming, as we do, that you index into the matrix with x-values for rows and y-values for columns. If you want to see your input as it would look on the grid, rather than manually transposing, just use the heatmap function.

Since the other ocean fields are constant values for each index, we won't plot these.

Creating an Atmosphere

The atmosphere works almost iddntically to the Ocean. It also requires inputs for u-velocities, v-velocities, and temperature and these fields are considered static throughtout the simulation by default. Again, if you are interested in changing this, please see issue #111.

Just like with the Ocean constructor, you can either provide the Atmos constructor a single constant value for each of the fields (and then also provide the grid as input) or provide a user-defined field.

Here, we will just provide constant values of 5m/s for the u-velocities, 0.0m/s for the v-velocities and 0 C for the temperature. If you are intersted in providing non-constant fields, see the Ocean example above.

atmos = Atmos(; grid, u = 5.0, v = 0.0, temp = 0.0)
  ⊢Vector fields of dimension (21, 11)
  ⊢Tracer fields of dimension (21, 11)
  ⊢Average u-velocity of: 5.0 m/s
  ⊢Average v-velocity of: 0.0 m/s
  ∟Average temperature of: 0.0 C

Again since all of the fields are constant, we won't plot them, but you can, using the heatmap function as shown above.

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